In 2019, Lake Brunner celebrated its 60th year. To mark this occasion, the students and staff spent Term 3 looking into local history and interviewing a number of people who have called Moana and Lake Brunner home in past years. Enjoy these videos the children have made of some of the interviews, and celebrate our school and area's rich history with us.
(Photo - Opening Day, 1959. Care of John Crossan, Perrie
Elsie Perrie, granddaughter of Helena Dense, after whom the local reserve is named, grew up in Moana when it was mostly farming land! Listen to her accounts of how life was as a child in the 1940s.

Swimming in the lake, tunnels in sawdust and Santa at concerts

Water Tanks
Water in tar barrels and a hard-working Dad!

End of the War
Celebrations in Moana with lots of good things to eat!
Jim Walsh
Jim Walsh was the principal of Lake Brunner School from 1967-1979. He spoke to all our students at an Assembly, and the stories he shared were recorded and used to make these videos.

The Classroom Fireplace
Keeping warm and dangerous tricks the children played!

Train to Concert Practise
Going to Te Kinga Hall by train.

Hole in the School House Ceiling!
Unexpected redecorating in the NEW school house!

Swimming at School and in the Lake
Unexpected redecorating in the NEW school house!

Audio file - How School was Different

PDF - Memories of Lake Brunner School

Audio file - Pumping Water for the Pool
Sheryl Hines
Sheryl Hines grew up in Moana and went to Lake Brunner School in the 1950-60s. She shares a number of fun childhood and school memories.

Lynda Manning
A student in the 1970-80s, Lynda shares memories of wayward school buses, funny teachers and more.

Anne Cooper
Anne regularly holidayed with her family at Lake Brunner in the 1970s. The train was a highlight!

Anne Klempel
Retiring in 2019, Anne worked for 30 years at Lake Brunner School. She shares many memories!

We have enjoyed exploring the stories connected with our school and area over the last sixty years. Look forward with us for sixty-plus more!